It is no new secret that many traditional publishing houses simply throw thousands of manuscripts submitted by authors into their archives of rejected manuscripts. Of course, there is an overwhelming amount of authors who seek to have their works published so the criteria for selection are extremely high. Self-publishing is the alternative to get your work out there in the hands of those who really need it. Several authors who were initially rejected by traditional publishers were only signed up after they had self-published their works and proved their work was marketable.  
To self publish your book the following is the analysis of what your investment and returns would look-like:
PRODUCTION COST: 15% - 20% of book retail value
MARKETING COST: 15% - 20% of book retail value
DISTRIBUTION COST: 20% - 25% of book retail value
WHOLESALE/WAREHOUSING: 5% - 10% of book retail value
RETAIL COST: 20% - 25% of book retail value
ROYALTIES: 5% - 25% (This is calculated by deducting Total Costs from Retail Value of Book)
Assuming you publish 1000 books with a Retail Value of *$20 each, this MAY be your investment and return analysis:
PRODUCTION COST @ 15% - $3.00
MARKETING COST @ 15% - $3.00
RETAIL COST @ 20% - $4.00
ROYALTY: RETAIL VALUE OF BOOK @ $20.00 – TOTAL COSTS @ $15.00 = $5.00
*Note 1: The retail value of a book is determined by the page count, the kind of cover binding such as Soft-cover, Hard cover etc.
*Note 2: In the estimate above we chose the average cost percentages just to give potential publishers a picture of investment and return analysis. The actual cost analysis of a specific book may vary based on the different factors involved.
Manuscript Development From Teaching Series
Each 45-60minute Tape/CD = $500.00
For Transcription, Script Development & Basic Editing
We have the facilities to publish your books in record time and at cost effective rates. We offer two publishing programs to suit the needs of authors.
REPRINT PACKAGEThis program allows authors to enjoy significant discounts in the unit cost of each book. Under this program the author pays a one-time set-up fee of $500.00 (five hundred dollars). The author provides us with edited manuscript and our designers format the book and design the cover to meet the author’s approval. Furthermore, we set up the ISBN for the book and ensure that the book conforms to all publishing standards. In any case the author keeps full rights to their books. Author can order a minimum of ten books at any given time.
ONE TIME PACKAGEThis program is for those authors who intend to publish a specific quantity of their books or booklets. The author supplies us the edited manuscript with ISBN and all other copyright information. In this package also, the author maintains full rights to their books. There is no set-up fee involved however the author must order a minimum of 100 books.
The worst nightmare of an author is the inability to sell his or her book after all the hard work involved in publishing the work. We provide an affordable solution to authors who choose to self publish with us. This way authors can self-publish their works and still enjoy the same benefits of being signed on by a traditional publisher.  
  1. PREMIUM MARKETING: In this program authors order and pay for a specific amount of books. These books are distributed to bookshops around the country and your choice of targeted distribution concentration. Highlights of this program consist of the following:
  1. Interview on Favor TV to be streamed on several syndicated networks
  2. 30 second TV Commercials to be streamed on Favor TV networks for 3 months
  3. Banner Advertisements on Favor Mall for 3 months
  4. Full Page Advertisement in Favor Magazine for 3 editions
  5. 5000 Book Markers
  6. 5000 Post Cards 4x6 for Mail Outs
  7. Book is featured in Catalogue distributed to over 25,000 bookstore nationwide
    Premium Marketing Package - $1,250.00
  1. STANDARD MARKETING: In this program authors order and pay for a specific amount of books. These books are distributed to bookshops around the country and your choice of targeted distribution concentration. Highlights of this program consist of the following:
1.       Interview on Favor TV to be streamed on several syndicated networks
2.       30 second TV Commercials to be streamed on Favor TV networks for 2 months
3.       Banner Advertisements on Favor Mall for 2 months
4.       Half Page Advertisement in Favor Magazine for 2 editions
5.       2500 Book Markers
6.       2500 Post Cards 4x6 for Mail Outs
7.       Book is featured in Catalogue distributed to over 25,000 bookstore nationwide
   Standard Marketing Package - $1,000.00
  1. BASIC MARKETING: In this program authors order and pay for a specific amount of books. These books are distributed to bookshops around the country and your choice of targeted distribution concentration. Highlights of this program consist of the following:
1.       Interview on Favor TV to be streamed on several syndicated networks
2.       30 second TV Commercials to be streamed on Favor TV networks for 1 month
3.       Banner Advertisements on Favor Mall for 1 month
4.       Quarter Page Advertisement in Favor Magazine for I month
5.       1500 Book Markers
6.       1500 Post Cards 4x6 for Mail Outs
7.       Book is featured in Catalogue distributed to over 25,000 bookstore nationwide
  Basic Marketing Package - $750.00
Contact us today at 1-888-593-2867
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